Forests, Rivers and Mangroves Protection
An Inventory of Fresh and Brackish Water Fish of St.Vincent
USD $15,865.39 awarded

We are happy to announce the official launch of our latest project lead by John Renton, funded by the SVGEF. John and his team made up the department of forestry , and local expert river fisherfolk will be busy recording crucial data on the fish and crustacean species that can be found throughout St.Vincent’s river systems. Additionally John will be documenting traditional river fishing practices from local fisherfolk as they use methods which include things such as bamboo rods and woven baskets.
The Goals of this project are
- To provide a body of research that describes the biodiversity of the fresh and brackish water fish of St. Vincent. It is also important that the findings of this survey be made available, in published form, so that the relevant bodies are able to make suitably informed decisions regarding the management and conservation of St. Vincent’s precious rivers.
- Increase public awareness regarding SVG’s fresh and brackish water fish biodiversity, its value as a natural resource and the conservation issues impacting our freshwater ecosystems through a) production of a plastic freshwater picture fish identification card for use in the field by students and the public and b) a series of presentations/field trips targeted to secondary and tertiary level students, conservation officials and the public.

Excerpts from an interview with Mr.Renton from local newspaper searchlight covering the project launch:
“So far I have identified 17 fish species in 12 families from fresh and brackish waters in St Vincent. These include the economically important Sicydium gobies (tri tri), and the American eel which is considered endangered by the The International Union for Conservation of Nature(IUCN).”
The results would then be published in an open access peer reviewed journal, and the public would be educated about St Vincent’s freshwater biodiversity by a plastic fish identification card that will be produced and distributed to assist students and the public to identify freshwater fish.
In addition there will be outreach activities that will be conducted with students through lectures and field trips.
The survey will include 14 river systems as well as rivers from all catchments in St Vincent.
Link to newspaper article on project: